Friday, December 13, 2013

First Knitting Project - Scarf

I started on a knitting project earlier this year and I finally finished today! YouTube videos came in very handy. If you want to start knitting, google casting on (your initial row of stitches), knit stitching (your basic stitch, the other is purl stitching), and binding off (closing off your last row of stitches). My grandma showed me how to do basic knitting when I was about 8 years old, so I was able to find my rhythm more quickly.

I've only worked on my scarf a little here and there, but tonight I decided try to start and finish a whole package of yarn. After four long hours of knitting and watching TV, I was able to finish the entire second half of the scarf. It took two packages of yarn to complete. I used the super chunky yarn, #13 needles, and 15 knit stitches per row. I tried using smaller needles and thinneryarn, but it felt like the end would never come. Plus, I love the look of the bigger stitches. I hope to create videos after I get more practice, so stay tuned for more!

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