Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pet Trainer's Waist Pouch 2.0

Setzer chewed up Winston's treat bag once again. This time, it could not be saved. I salvaged the adjustment belt and recycled it in a new treat bag that I made during my lunch break. I had the design planned out and the pieces all cut the night before, so it was a breeze. I'm very happy with the way it turned out and I love the fact that is versatile. The belt can be detached and the bag can hang from a belt loop instead.

  • (1) 7x6.5" fabric - body, back
  • (1) 7x5.5" fabric - body, front
  • (1) 7x4.75" fabric - pocket
  • (3) 3.5x2.5" contrasting fabric - hanging loop, side strap loops
  • (1) 5.75x3.25" contrasting fabric - large strap loop (you can make the middle loop the same size as the side loops. I made mine larger for versatility)
  • (1) 6" zipper
  • (1) 5" sew-on velcro
  • material for straps (see post: Pet Trainer's Waist Pouch)


1) Start with the back body piece right side up (longer side parallel to you). Place the zipper tab down, align top edges, and sew 1/4" from the top edge (use 1/2" seams unless otherwise stated). Put aside.

2) Place the front body piece right side up. Take the piece you sewed earlier and place the zipper tab side down over the front body piece. Align top edges and sides, and sew.

3) Open the pieces so that right sides and zipper tab side are up. Edge stitch fabric onto the front side of the zipper.

4) Center and sew one side of the velcro about 1" below the zipper on the right side of the front body piece. Sew all sides and "X" through the middle. Put aside.

5) Hem the top edge of the pocket piece, if necessary. I choose to cut along the selvage to avoid this. Center the other side of the velcro over the wrong side of the pocket piece. Place it about 1/4" below the top and sew all sides and "X" through the middle.

6) Connect the velcro pieces. Decide how high/low you want the zipper to sit. Once you have everything positioned where you want it, trim the bottom of all pieces to equal lengths.

7) Place the larger loop piece right side down. Fold long sides 1/4" in and press. Fold short sides together, press or crease the fold line (middle mark). Open up again and bring the sides towards the crease or the middle. Press. Fold in half again along the middle fold. Press. Top stitch all around. Do the same for the smaller loops, but apply action to the opposite sides. I didn't care about exposed edges for the hanging loop since I was going to sew both ends under the large loop, so I skipped a step there. You want to sew the middle and side strap loops so that the belt can slide through it.

I forgot about process pics for the next steps because I was in a hurry. They are fairly straight forward though.

8) Place right sides together, align the bottom edges, and sew the bottom seam. first This helps keep everything in place and even.

9) Unzip the zipper halfway and sew up sides. When done, I using pinking shears to trim the seams to prevent fraying since I did not do a lining. Turn right side out and it's ready to be used!

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